The Poetry Scores Art Invitational for Paul Muldoon's Incantata will be held Friday, November 11 (that's 11/11/11) at Mad Art Gallery, 2727 So. 12th St. in Soulard.
At our Art Invitationals, we invite 50 or so local artists to make new work in response to the poem we are scoring. We require that they title the work after a verbatim quote from the poem. We then hang the work in the space according to where in the flow of the poem the langauge used for the title appears.
In this way, the poem hangs the show. It works, year after year. Incantata will be our 6th annual invitational, with no duds to date.
This year, I bugged the artists early to work early and finish early so we can promote early. This partly is financial in motive. Our invitationals are silent art auctions, with proceeds split evenly three ways, between artist, venue and Poetry Scores. We're hoping to whet some appetites for this work and get some eager buyers in the door at Mad Art -- maybe even field some opening bids in advance.
Anyway, this is the early work we have in as of now -- in the order in which it will appear in the show.
"Paul Muldoon"
Dana Smith
"In everything there is an order"
Michael Behle

"A pupa in swaddling clothes"
Cindy Royal
“Its tidal wave of army-worms into which you all but disappeared”
Tim McAvin
"all-too-cumbersome device
of a potato-mouth in a potato-face
speak out, unencumbered,"
Claire Medol Hyman
"Or maybe a human caul"
Alexa Hoyer
" I watched the low swoop over the lawn today of a swallow..."
Jenna Bauer
"of nothing more than a turn
in the road where a swallow dips into the mire
or plucks a strand of bloody wool from a strand of barbed wire
in the aftermath of Chickamauga or Culloden
and builds from pain, from misery, from a deep-seated hurt,
a monument to the human heart"
Michael Hoffman
"You'd be aghast at the idea of your spirit hanging over this vale of tears."
Janiece Senn
"The Shower of Rain"
Robin Street-Morris
Thus far confirmed for the invitational:
Gena Brady Allen
Gina Alvarez
Jay Babcock
Jenna Bauer
Michael Behle
Kevin Belford
Deanna Chafin
Grace Chung
Heather Corley
Andrea Avery Durway
Greg Edmondson
Nancy Exarhu
Paul Hartman
Sue Hartman
Michael Hoffman
Alexa Hoyer
Kim Humphries
Claire Medol Hyman
Chris King
Dawn Majors
Julie Malone
Tim McAvin
John Minkoff
Michael Paradise
Meera Lee Patel
Hap Phillips
Jeremy Rabus
Tony Renner
Kim Keek Richardson
Cindy Royal
Stefene Russell
Janiece Senn
Daniel Shown
Derek Simmons
Dana Smith
Robin Street-Morris
Tunca Subasi
Nita Turnage
Robert Van Dillen
Amy VanDonsel
Eric Woods
More to come!
Before we get there, our score to Incantata will have been premiered. This year, we commissioned the great composer Barbara Harbach to do our work for us. Her score to Incantata will be premiered by musicians from the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra at 3 p.m. Sunday, October 30 at the Lee Theatre in the Touhill on the campus of UMSL. Be there!
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