Friday, October 9, 2009

Nine final mixes from "Sydney Highrise Variations"

Adam Long and I worked all day and night yesterday on final mixes for our poetry score to The Sydney Highrise Variations.


"On its vaulting drum"
Three Fried Men

Also, it’s a space probe
Three Fried Men
with Christopher Y. Voelker

The new city standing on its haze
Three Fried Men
with Les Murray

Vanished from the central upsurge
Three Fried Men
with Les Murray

Employment and neckties and ruling themes
Middle Sleep
with Thom Fletcher and Stefene Russell

"In ambiguous battle at length"
Another Umbrella
with Les Murray

Worldwide breath of catching up
Three Fried Men

Skill and the shadow
Middle Sleep
with Les Murray

Six hundred glittering and genteel towns
Middle Sleep
with Chris King and Heidi Dean

A highlight from the session.

"The new city standing on its haze" is built from a crudely recorded guitar tap, of Lij picking out a chord progression in Nashville who knows how many years ago, onto some primitive tape recorder. I dubbed Les Murray's reading onto it - a reading recorded in Long Island City - in the spare bedroom of Matt Fuller's sister in Hollywood.

So this crude recording had music from Nashville, dubbed in Los Angeles with an Australian reading in New York. That still, somehow, wasn't enough. It wanted some city sounds. So Adam positioned one (high-performance) mic out the back door and another out a window.

It rained steadily, so we get more water than city, but that's okay, for a watery poem about a harbour city; in this stretch of the poem, Les yammers about the "ship-chained harbour" and "flooded valley".

Worked for me.

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